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Divine intervention leads grandma to create family memory

It can be challenging to remain motivated in a world that appears to be growing darker and more dismal by the day. Given how serious the issues facing the globe are, is there truly anything we can do to assist?

In my opinion, there is only one right course of action: treat people like you want to be treated.

Little deeds of kindness have a greater positive impact than we may ever realize. Consider the tale of the woman who chose to help a wonderful family after seeing them. She was unaware of the significance her small act would have for them.

It should encourage folks to help out friends, family, and even complete strangers. Everything, no matter how tiny, counts.

Joyce Rhinehart treated her grandson Blake to ice cream at Rita’s Italian Ice on June 8. Joyce spotted a family sitting on a bench outside having ice cream just as she and Blake were ready to head out.

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