There Are Still More Mistakes That Need to Be Fixed
However, Matt is not the only Wheel of Fortune participant to have made a humiliating mistake. Since the show’s 1975 premiere, several notable blunders have occurred. Kevin, a contestant in 2017, approaching the word puzzle. In “A STREETCAR NA_ED DESIRE,” the play’s title, he just needed to finish one letter. After he turned, he was able to select a consonant. Kevin made the decision to say, “Naked,” much to everyone’s surprise and hilarity. Of course, the answer was A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE.
In 2009, Sacramento, California native Lolita McAuley was participating in a speed round. This suggests that the letters would appear on the board at random after each interval of time. The winner is the first person to buzz and guess the entire answer. Lolita was faced with the following under the “Thing” category: S_LF-PO_T_ _ _T. McAuley buzzed in response, saying, “SELF-POTATO.” Again, a puzzling and entertaining reply. The appropriate reaction was SELF-POTRAIT.
Julian, a University of Indiana student, was on track to win $1 million more recently, in 2014, following many lucky spins. To access a unique version meant just for college students, he simply needed to utter the words “mythological hero Achilles.” Sadly, he mispronounced it; instead of saying “AY-chill-es,” it should have been pronounced “AH-kil-ies.” After that, he had to fill in the blank: “WORLD’S FASTEST A.” In this case, he chose “c” even though “man” was the final word. When he finally reached the “things” area, he had to make a “on-the-spot decision.” His guess of “On-the-spot dicespin” was the weakest one he made.
Do you think Matt’s mistake was as big as these current ones? Tell us in the section that follows!
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