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A woman took a picture of herself running through the rainforest, but when she enlarged the picture, she was scared.

There are a lot of “spooky” pictures on the internet these days. If you want to look for them, there are a lot of pictures that show what people think are sightings of things like Bigfoot, UFOs, and ghosts in the windows of old, run-down houses. Let’s be honest: most of these pictures aren’t as scary as people make them out to be. Scary or supernatural parts are usually just the result of the camera blurring by chance or the work of a Photoshop genius with too much free time.


There are, however, pictures that don’t seem to make sense in any way. Runner Kay Borleis found something upsetting in a picture she took and wants to run the 100 miles through the Hawaiian jungle with her. What’s important is not to question why someone would put themselves through such a hard physical task. Kay is said to have run five laps of a twenty-mile loop through thick jungle as part of the 2019 Hawaiian Ultra Running Team Trail 100-Mile Endurance Run.Someone named Cassie, who is friends with Kay and was also their guide, took pictures of them while they ran. It looked like a picture showed Kay walking through the bushes on a muddy road. Still, when she looked at the picture more closely, she saw something that could only be described as troubling. Kay wrote on Reddit, “This picture was taken by my pacer.” She then went on to explain.”Look at the person in the picture to the left of my head. Along the path, there were no statues and no one ever came by.

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