Despite the negative comments, Cima remains unbothered. “It’s perfectly appropriate to have wrinkled skin at 76, and I’m not ashamed of it,” she confidently stated. “Sometimes I want to respond, ‘Should I cover my face too because I have wrinkles there?’”

Cima started her fashion blog in 2019 because she noticed a lack of representation for older women in the fashion industry. She wanted to challenge the belief that women need to hide their bodies as they age. “Women have been conditioned to think they need to cover up because that’s what their mothers and grandmothers did,” Cima explained.
Instead of focusing on the negativity, Cima offers advice to her followers. She believes that aging is something to be embraced and celebrated. “Aging is great. Everything you have learned your entire life is now there for you. You are now the wisest that you are ever going to be. Embrace it and be proud.”

Candace Cima’s story serves as an inspiration to all women who refuse to conform to society’s expectations. Let’s join her in embracing our true selves, at any age!
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