The main goals of a relationship are mutual support and responsibility sharing. Regretfully, there was a significant disparity that my spouse, Peter, and I encountered about expenses and household tasks. I made the decision to figure out how to help him see the repercussions of his behavior as a result.
We had a lot of trouble selecting who should pay for takeout dinners. Peter insisted that I should cook because I was the wife. However, I wasn’t always able to perform that duty because of my recent promotion and increasing workload. He felt that even if we split the cost of food and rent, I should pay for our meals.
The Alarm
It all came to a climax when Peter, inebriated, said something rude about putting all of his money into me. That stung, and I realized I should have looked more closely at our financial status. I began meticulously documenting every item we incurred, from groceries and bills to trips and airline tickets – all of which I personally covered.
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