Hi, I’m Mia, and I work as a fourth-grade teacher. It’s a job I love, not just because I get to mold young minds, but also because it gives me the flexibility to spend time with my son, Luke.Being a single mother isn’t easy, but for five years now, I’ve managed to raise Luke mostly on my own. His dad, well, let’s just say “present” isn’t a word I’d use. Weekends with Dad were more like a distant memory for him than a regular occurrence. Things finally started to feel a little lighter four months ago. That’s when I met Jake. He was a fellow teacher, kind-hearted and with a laugh that crinkled the corners of his eyes.
And best of all, Jake loved kids. However, I wasn’t sure about how Luke would react upon knowing I had another man in my life. Luke had always been so attached to me, and I believed the thought of sharing me with someone else would affect him. So, despite the butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I knew it was time to introduce Luke to Jake. The thought gnawed at me for days, but finally, I decided to take the plunge. “Hey, Luke-a-doodle,” I chirped one sunny afternoon, finding him engrossed in a particularly intricate Lego creation.
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