A kind-hearted grandmother found a sweet way to get revenge on her daughter-in-law, who would show up unannounced to babysit her kid. Although grandmothers are always willing to help, here are some ways you can make them feel appreciated for their efforts.A woman shared a story of her mother-in-law’s revenge on one of her daughters-in-law on Reddit.” My mother-in-law recently performed such a beautiful but small petty revenge, I had to share it here,” she wrote.
She described her mother-in-law as one of the sweetest people, always willing to help her family. However, this particular daughter-in-law would take advantage of her kindness when babysitting her child.During the school year, the kid spent time in daycare, and during the holidays, the parents opted not to enroll her on summer daycare, and instead, rely on the grandmother to help.
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