The BBQ was lively. People were laughing, the food was good, and everything seemed perfect. “Do you like burgers?” Tom asked me, flipping patties on the grill. “Sure do,” I replied. “Smells amazing.” “Glad you could make it,” Karen added, handing Lisa a drink. “We want to get to know everyone.” But there were signs of trouble. Tom made a few comments that felt off. “We’re planning to put up a big fence,” he said, glancing at our yard. “We like our privacy.” “That sounds… interesting,” I said, unsure what to make of it. As the night went on, I noticed Tom and Karen were a bit too carefree. They didn’t seem to care much about the noise they were making, or if it bothered anyone else. One Saturday night, we planned a quiet evening. Lisa prepared a lovely dinner, and we picked a family movie. It was supposed to be a relaxing night. Just as we settled in, loud music erupted from next door. The Smiths were having a party.“It’s probably a one-time thing,” I said, trying to stay calm. But the music grew louder. Our kids, Emma and Jake, couldn’t sleep.
Even our dog, Max, was restless. “This is getting out of hand,” Lisa said, closing the windows. “The kids need to sleep.” “I’ll go talk to them,” I sighed, getting up. I walked over to the Smiths’ house, weaving through the throngs of people in their yard. I finally found Tom in the backyard, laughing with his friends. “Hey, Tom!” I called out over the music. He turned, still grinning. “Hey, Mark! Come join us!” “Actually, Tom,” I began, trying to keep my tone friendly, “could you turn the music down a bit? The kids are trying to sleep.” Tom’s grin faded slightly. “Oh, come on, man, it’s just a party. Lighten up.” “I get that,” I said, trying to stay patient. “But it’s really loud. Just a little lower, please?” Tom rolled his eyes but nodded. “Alright, alright. I’ll turn it down a notch.” Satisfied, I headed back to our house.
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