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MIL Sold My Earrings to Fund Her Luxury Resort Stay — How Karma Made Her Regret It

Since we had children, Gabriel had not purchased me an expensive gift until these ones. For a while, we had been so preoccupied with Liam and Sophia that we had neglected ourselves.“Can I help?” With anxiety in her large blue eyes, Sophia extended her hand.I exhaled. Yes, honey. Would you mind checking your room? Perhaps they mysteriously ended up in your play box.” While Sophia ran off, I carried on looking. I took out my jewelry box for the third time, thinking that maybe I had overlooked them earlier.

Not successful. “Mum! My soccer cleats are lost. Liam called out from below. “Check the laundry room!” I returned the call, my voice trembling with frustration. Nothing turned up after a week of looking. Just when I was about to quit up, during dinner, Gabriel revealed something shocking to me.“You’re never going to believe what my mom told me today,” he continued as spinning spaghetti around on his finger.I arched an eyebrow. “What’s that?” “This weekend, she’s heading out on a lavish vacation. Some posh resort or something like that.” My drink almost choked me. “Evelyn? A lavish holiday? Is the woman we are discussing the same one?”Gabriel laughed. “I understand, correct? It’s peculiar. Weird barely scratches the surface. Evelyn had so tight finances that she could definitely pinch a cent till Lincoln started crying. With his teeth clogged with garlic bread, Liam muttered, “Maybe she won the lottery.”I instantly snapped, “Liam, don’t talk with your mouth full.” Then it dawned on me. I had taken off my earrings at her apartment a few weeks prior. Gabriel, I think I know where my earrings went, I said softly.

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