Little did I know, things were about to get a lot more uncomfortable. The flight got delayed, so by the time we finally boarded, everyone was on edge. The plane was packed, and you could feel the tension in the air.
She raised an eyebrow but nodded, curious to see what I had in mind. I ripped open the bag of pretzels and started munching away, making sure to chew with my mouth wide open. Crumbs were flying everywhere, on my lap, on the floor, and most importantly, on the guy’s head!
He didn’t notice at first, too absorbed in whatever important business he was doing on his laptop. But after a few minutes, I saw him stiffen. He reached up and brushed his shoulder, then the back of his head.
I could tell he was getting annoyed, but I kept going, making sure each bite was as loud and messy as possible. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore! He whipped around, glaring at me with a mixture of disgust and fury.
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