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Pregnant Wife Sees Best Friend’s Message on Husband’s Phone: ‘You Haven’t Told Her about Us?’

She was still a present mother and gave her children all the attention they needed. The original poster (OP) was also a great wife and did not slack in any of the work she usually did around the house.In addition to her husband, the anonymous Reddit user also had the support of her childhood best friend. ”My best friend and I have been friends since diapers.

Her family is like my family and vice versa,” she explained. So, it was no surprise that her best friend was her shoulder to cry on during her father’s cancer battle. However, something happened that turned their lives upside down.What Discovery Did OP Make That Changed Her Marriage? One morning, OP was up with her sick three-year-old when one of her husband’s alarms went off. He usually set a few of them before waking up and she took the liberty to switch it off. When she leaned over the phone, she saw a text from her best friend that read, “I’m assuming since there hasn’t been an angry pregnant lady on my doorstep, you haven’t told her about us yet?”She could not believe her eyes, but she wanted to get to the bottom of it, so she took his phone to read their conversations and found out her husband had been cheating with her childhood best friend for four months. The OP decided to handle the situation in the best way she knew how.Processing the Dreadful Infidelity Unlike some people who would know exactly what to do in such a situation, the anonymous Reddit writer confessed that she did not know a way forward. For the first couple of days after finding out, she pretended nothing happened. She continued to be a supportive wife, asking her husband about his day.OP also kept her children from suspecting anything. But what was more confusing was how both her husband and best friend never displayed any signs of affection or gave her a reason to suspect they were having an affair. Amid this emotional turmoil, the mother could not wrap her head around losing her father and watching her family fall apart. She postponed telling her husband to at least live through one peaceful day before it all came crashing down.As for her best friend, she vowed never to speak to her again and did not even care to hear the reason behind her betrayal.

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